How to raise yourself from failure to success in blogging (door How to make my blog)

Posted on 4 oktober 2011


Blog success or failure

Barrier to enter the blogging world is very low but barrier to have a successful blog is very high. This results in a lot of people starting blogs and giving up shortly after. Many stop even before publishing their first blog post.

For some this happens because of the lack of motivation. Some people just want to try blogging, some just want to see what a blog is, some just want to be able to say they have a blog, some are forced to do it in their class… for these people it is expected that they are not willing to put in the effort needed to succeed.

“The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” — Theodore Roosevelt

But in case that you really believe having a blog is the way to go to achieve your dreams and get ahead in your life, there are certainly things you can do to analyse your failure to help yourself and give yourself a better chance of getting success next time around.

When you feel you have failed at your blog ask yourself why did it happen. What went right and what went wrong? What could you have done differently?

How can you do it better next time? What changes should you make in your next attempt?

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” — John Powell

Failing is normal. Everyone fails much more than they succeed. But it is important to move past your failures and don’t let them hold you back.

The people that eventually do succeed, they always learn something from their failures. Make sure to learn from your failure so you don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Get my free advice in the 5-step plan to having a successful blog:

  1. Start your blog
  2. Optimize the look
  3. Create valuable content
  4. Attract visitors
  5. Start making money

<Auteur: Marko Saric

Posted in: Bloggen